When it comes to a landing page, everyone has a different opinion of how to make it a perfect one. These opinions might confuse you and make you create a landing page with no straightforward navigation or message. Wondering why this might be happening?

Well, every ad landing page has a different motive to solve. A landing page features differ with every business, product, and brand goal; one can’t just copy-paste a landing page from another website. The landing page components of every site vary, considering all the factors.

In short, there’s no strict rule to creating a high-converting landing page. The landing page will differ with changes in demand, brand language, and marketing technique. However, there are specific crucial points that one shouldn’t miss out on while creating a landing page. Wondering what the key components of a landing page are? Here’s a complete guide for you.

Why Do We Create a Landing Page?

Landing Page is considered a guidebook of a specific product or page of the website. It includes all the information about a product or service you’re willing to offer the customers.

In short, one creates a landing page to get the conversion. Conversion doesn’t necessarily have to be related to sales; it can also be a customer signing up for the mail service/ buying an E-Book, or staying and exploring the page.

In short, the main target is to focus on letting a customer/viewer have a happy landing page experience. One can also use a landing page to collect customer data for B2C and B2B marketing purposes.


Marketers should ensure that a landing page has all the necessary information about the product or service they plan to offer.

For example- What is the product, what’s the unique selling proposition of the product, what’s the cost, what are the frequently asked questions related to it, what do customers have got to say about the product etc.

How Should My Landing Page Look Like?

A landing page is also considered a one-page website that includes all the necessary information for a customer. It’s an effective way to introduce your business to new customers, cater to new audiences for existing products, collect data for sales purposes, etc.

The primary key components of a landing page should include a clear call-to-action for customers, pertinent information, fast loading speed, and a premium appeal. All landing page elements need to share the knowledge that the customer is looking for and doesn’t spend extra time looking out for the key objectives/goals of the page.

Related: Landing Page vs Product Page Debate: Which is Better?

The main target of a landing page should be to solve a purpose or a problem for the customers. It can either be a basic query or help them look out for a product they have been searching for a long time.


To make your Landing Page look unique and eye-catching, here are some features to keep in mind-

  • A Clear Call-to-Action

  • A persuading message

  • Exciting offer to convert it into a sale

  • A premium color theme as per the brand tonality

What Are the Key Components of a Landing Page?

Landing page has the potential to scale up your business in no time. Hence, it’s essential to create a landing page that covers all the landing page components and also makes it stand out among competitors. Here are some major points that you should definitely consider while creating a landing page-

  1. Main Headline along with the Sub Headline

  2. What’s unique about your product/service?

  3. Key benefits of the product/service

  4. Clear Image/Video Navigation

  5. Social Media Presence

  6. An eye-catching statement

  7. Consistency in brand language

  8. A Call-to-Action

  9. FAQ guidance

  10. Crystal clear navigation

  11. A happy closure


Let’s discuss the key components of a landing page in detail-

1. Main Headline along with the Sub-Headline

The headline is the first thing a viewer observes on a landing page. Hence, your landing page needs to have a persuading and eye-catching headline. One should ensure that it covers all the key aspects that educate the customers about the page. The headline should develop an understanding, interest, and persuasion among the readers.

Here are some points that your headline should cover-

  • Get the visitor’s attention

  • Educate the visitor thoroughly about the product

  • Make it short and crisp for the customer

While we know you want your viewer to learn everything at once. However, it’s also essential to keep your headline short and crisp. You need a supporting headline for the main one to deliver all the necessary information. Your sub-headline should be supportive or secondary content for the primary heading of your page.

For Example-


As one can see that this headline includes the necessary information that a customer might be looking out for. While it catches the customer’s attention, it also ensures to deliver the meaning of what the brand is all about.

2. What’s unique about your product/service?

No matter what, your competitors can always copy your colour, design, or language. However, if your landing page has a USP that sets you apart from other competitors, then the chances are that viewers would like to prefer your landing page over others. A Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is essential for a page to identify what makes you unique. This can be in benefits, price value, marketing, services, etc.

Ensure to mark this point as important as it is considered one of the critical key components of a landing page.


For Example-

This company offers a unique selling proposition in their pricing and helps the customer identify how they differ from other processing. This component will help build credibility on a landing page and get conversions easily.

3. Key Benefits of the product/service

Describing your product and services in fluent language might help keep a viewer on the page for an extended time. However, in the end, a customer will always look out for the purpose a product/service is willing to solve. Ensure that you highlight the key benefits clearly on the landing page. This key component of a landing page will help you easily persuade the customer.


4. Clear Image/Video Navigation

A customer will always understand it better when she/he can imagine themselves in a scenario where they are experiencing the product. That’s when image/video plays an essential role.

While text can make a customer understand the product/service, an image or video can give an experience to the customer.


Ensure that your landing page offers straightforward navigation through images/videos. Add images that are of high quality and appealing. Sharing a low-quality or stock image can make a customer disappear in seconds. Hence, try to add only natural and high-quality images and videos to the landing page.

5. Social Media Presence

With many spam websites being curated daily, it has become challenging for customers to decide what’s real and what’s not. Hence, it’s your responsibility to ensure that the customer feels a sense of credibility while coming on the landing page. Share about your presence on different platforms, articles, or events where you have been featured.

If a customer realises that a brand has an extensive presence, it helps them buy products instantly.


For Example-

Sharing brand/customer reviews along with other varied features can build a sense of trust and make it easy for a buyer to purchase instantly.

6. An Eye-Catching Statement

It’s essential to create a mesmerising experience when a customer visits the landing page for the first time. It’s necessary to convey what the brand is all about from time to time.

Therefore, adding a reinforcement statement in the middle of the landing page has become challenging for customers to decide what’s real and what’s not. Hence, it’s your responsibility to keep the landing page attention to point when the customer scrolls down through it.


A reinforcement statement is basically the synonym of the headline that you have shared before. The message behind the text stays the same. However, the text should be more informative and detailed in this one.

7. Consistency in Brand Language

We know you want your page to look different from others. However, one needs to ensure that the landing page doesn’t look completely different from the website. Hence, it’s important to maintain the consistency between the website brand colours and the landing page brand tone.

Ensure that the font type and colour palette stay consistent. Don’t forget to add the logo to the landing page, which will help build user credibility.


8. A Call-to-Action

Your ultimate goal of curating the landing page should be to make people act on the call-to-action button. Hence, it’s considered one of the essential aspects of the landing page component.

Ensure that you place the Call-to-Action button at the centre of the page along with a pop-up colour so that it stands out. You can also create a separate box for it with bigger fonts. If you would like to experiment further, you can also add a click-to-call button on your landing page for better UX.


9. FAQ Guidance

It’s essential to guide the customer on every step. Though we know you will ensure to include all the information on the landing page. However, ensure to add a column for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on a landing page and share the common questions that have been frequently asked before for the product/service.


By sharing this, no aspect will be left for a customer to return with incomplete knowledge. You can add this column at the end of your page once the customer is done reading about the product/service in detail.

10. Crystal Clear Navigation

Considering key components of a landing page and ignoring the importance of navigation don’t go hand in hand. Your landing page must give a crystal clear direction to the customers.

Straightforward navigation with white spacing will give a more premium look and make it easy for a viewer to understand what the brand is about and what it offers. Ensure that the navigation goes step-wise.

Always share the brand purpose first, slowly integrate the product while they scroll, and share further details and call-to-action. Keep the help and FAQ option right below the description. Don’t forget to share information on the brand at the end.


11. A Happy Closure

It is said that nothing else matters if you have a happy ending. The same goes for your landing page as well. A closure statement is the last chance to make a viewer convert into a loyal customer.

This can be a provoking statement or a special offer only for that viewer. It is a key landing page component with a high chance of creating lead generation.


12. Landing Page Testing

Once you align the landing page, it’s time to do the A/B testing and identify what works best for you. The testing can offer valuable analytics that can guide you to determine the changes and edit your current landing page.


Ensure that your final landing page delivers what the customer is searching for. It will also help you get conversions and collect data easily.

Build a Compelling Campaign With the Best Landing Page Features

A landing page is everything that can help you collect data, get conversions and make something fruitful out of all the efforts that you have been putting in. Creating a landing page is an easy task.

But creating one that has all the necessary components and stands out among other competitors is challenging. However, with the key component of a landing page mentioned above, you can create an effective landing page.


We at Apexure can help you build a landing page design that will help you get leads hassle-free. Our landing page specialists can help you grow your business efficiently. Want to know more about us and how we can help you? Contact us today!

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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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