Getting a visitor on the page isn’t sufficient. It’s essential to get more conversions/leads. However, it’s not a one-day thing to convert viewers into leads. But, with the correct Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Strategy, you can get more and more leads.

Wondering what the right CRO Strategy is? Don’t worry; you have got our back.

How do we define Landing Page CRO?

Landing Page Conversion Rate Optimization is considered an effective process of increasing the percentage of visitors that converted on the landing page.

For example, if you have a 10% conversion rate, it depicts that 10% of viewers got converted.

This process focuses on two things-

  • Evading the friction in the funnel

  • Upgrading the value of the specific offer

How can we Calculate the Conversion Rate?

One can calculate Conversion Rate by dividing the number of conversions by total visitors and multiplying it by 100.


Before calculating your conversion rate, ensure to define your ‘conversion’. For example- your conversion can be a number of subscriptions when someone visits your website. Consider the subscriptions as your number of conversions and divide it by the total number of visitors. To take out the percentage, divide it by 100.

Time to Create an Effective Landing Page CRO Strategy

Cracking the conversion rate optimization strategy is not an easy task. It’s not about choosing the right colours or size of the CTA button. This strategy holds a more important place in overall planning. Let’s explore some of the significant things you should remember:

1. What do you want to achieve?

There is n number of ways in which you can identify a successful CRO Strategy. But the real one is that it aligns with your business goals. Before targeting your viewer to become a customer, it’s pertinent to identify what you want to achieve from it. Your CRO Strategy should be aligned with the business goals that you eventually want to achieve.


For example, if getting more subscribers is aligned with your central business goal, you should consider it a significant chunk.

2. Align the goals for Ad Landing Page


Your CRO Strategy should be focused on extracting one action from the viewer. If you aim at acquiring two or three landing page conversions simultaneously, then it’s not the right thing to do—plan with the team regarding one eye-catching CTA you want to focus to create a high-converting landing page.

3. Where can you Improve?


Instead of copying competitors’ CRO strategies, it is recommended to identify what’s not right on your landing page and optimize it for conversion. How can we improve the page and make it more accessible? Here are some of the steps that you should keep in mind to create a CRO Strategy.

Steps To CRO Strategy Development

What is a visitor doing? (Quantitative Data)

Before identifying anything, it’s essential to understand your visitor’s activities. Instead of counting the viewers who came on the ad landing page, track down what did they do? For how long did they scroll? Did they visit any other page?

Here are some of the options that you should keep in mind- real-time data tracking, bounce rate, incoming traffic sources, audience identification, demographic segregation, etc. You can check all of this via Google Analytics quickly.

With the help of Analytics, you can also identify if your landing page UX is working perfectly since it can help you determine whether the site is loading on time. And if due to it, you’re losing the landing page conversions.

How is your user behaving when they visit? (Qualitative Data)

It’s essential to keep track of visitors when they land on the landing page. It helps to identify if any page element is not letting them proceed with their search etc.

Some of the visitor behaviour analysis tools to analyze qualitative data are- Heatmaps, Session Recordings, Interview feedback, Customer Surveys, Net Promoter Score, etc.

What’s the Difference between Quantitative and Qualitative Data?

Qualitative and Quantitative hold equal importance while deep-diving into the analytics and identifying the right CRO Strategy. Here’s a key difference between both types.


Get to understand Customer Psychology

Two pertinent elements help in contemplating customer psychology.

Principles of Persuasion

At the end of the day, your viewers are looking out for something that can make them a perfect part of this society. The human brain runs as per the demand in the market.

For example, if something is trending and everyone is buying it, the need for it increases automatically. It’s the same for luxury items that are available exclusively and has only limited demand. To build a CRO strategy, it’s crucial to understand human psychology.

Customer Behaviour

It’s essential to understand customer behaviour and identify how to do they recognize an ad or information on their screen.

For example, Millenials prefer to read the information via a post with minimal designs instead of reading things in detail. These things can help you improvise your CRO Strategy.

How can we understand the behaviour of the target audience?


To understand how your customer behaves and what they want, follow these two strategies to get them to know better.

Conducting tests and interviews

Taking tests or consultations with viewers can help you identify what they are looking for. For instance, you can determine what page they visit the most, how much time they spend there, what made them drop off at the payment section, etc.

Read, Read, and Read

Read more articles and case studies on customer behaviour. It can help you understand the collective psyche of the viewers and aid in transforming the landing page’s overall appeal.

Data Gathering Methods and Why you Need Them?

Talking about data gathering methods, it’s essential to identify the methods you can use daily to collect and use the data wisely and efficiently. You should include two methods in your daily use- Google Analytics and Hot Jar.

Set of Tools as part of your CRO Strategy

Google Analytics

Here’s why you should start using Google Analytics today


Google Analytics help to record data consistently. For Example- you can identify every page view, bounce rate, engagement rate, total pages visited, demography, etc.

All of this data can help you identify several things and help you build an effective CRO strategy-

  • Can you direct you where you should be running more ads- Blogs/Social Media etc.

  • Can you help identify landing pages that lead to the highest drop-off rates?

  • Identify the demographic structure of your landing page.

  • Determine the products that lead to the highest conversion rate.


Reasons why you shouldn’t miss out on Hotjar


Identifying numbers is what Google Analytics can help you with. However, with Hotjar, you can identify the reasons behind those numbers. In short, Hotjar gives context to what Google Analytics offers and answers behavioural questions about the viewer.

It can help you identify-

  • Where does a visitor get stuck, and why is s/he struggling before dropping off?

  • How does a visitor interact with certain page elements.

  • What do they like the most and least on the landing page

  • What are they looking for on the landing page?

Within HotJar, you identify a set of tools that can help you measure these things.



This can help you give a snippet of how people like to indulge with the shared landing page. It highlights ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ engaging spots.

Session Recordings

This can help reconstruct the users’ journey throughout the website. With this, one can observe how the user moves around, what they prefer to click on, and what they like to ignore. One can also identify if a viewer identifies any issue in the process.



Sharing the option of filling in feedback with the visitors can help you identify what they think about the products/brand or landing page experience.


Open for Feedback

Let a viewer share the feedback on their own by leaving a comment action for them.

How shall one use Google Analytics vs HotJar?

Instead of considering these two as the opposite of each other, identify them as complementary analytics tools to build CRO Strategy. Here are four combined uses of these tools-

  • You can quickly improve the conversion rate with the help of these two.

  • Identify the difference between before and after a landing page redesign.

  • It can help improve customer experience.

  • It can help change your business into a successful digital one.

How can we utilize the Gathered Data?

With this data, one can identify the true nature of what customer wants from the site. This data can be considered ideal for analyzing and improving the loopholes. Don’t forget to give equal priority to quantitative and qualitative data. Combining both kinds of data can help you build an effective CRO Strategy.


Time to make the CRO changes

Now that you have gathered quantitative and qualitative data, it’s time to do the testing of pages. One can do a CRO test with three types- A/B testing, split testing, and multivariate testing.

Wondering which one you should choose? Here are some points to help you out-

  • All three types hold different uses. Hence, it’s first essential to identify what you are looking for.

  • A/B testing is mainly used when design changes aren’t complicated.

  • One can use split testing when the design requires more modifications than the original version.

  • Multivariate testing is used when multiple changes are suggested on the same page, and one wants to test every combination separately.

Analyze A/B Testing Results


This stage is considered the final stage for your CRO strategy development. It will help you close the loop for conversion rate optimization and build notes for the new information acquired for further testing.

Instead of only a/b testing and deducing the test as pass or fail, dig deep and identify what can be improved. Also, ensure that the final results might vary due to your experimenting platform. Some of the popular A/B testing platforms are optimizely and Unbounce.


Increase in the number of sticky landing page elements

Sticky landing page elements, also known as the navigation bar, help guide the visitor to the end of the page. This feature helps improve the overall navigation experience by evading the clutter. It is also considered a potential feature to increase the conversion rate.

Video Marketing

The demand for video marketing has increased constantly in the last few years. Video marketing helps make a viewer understand the content better, leading to an increase in conversion rate.

Feature of Personalization

Personalization helps in building better relationships with customers and increases the number of leads. This starts with recognizing the lead with name in emails and special marketing offers, using regional language to run ads, and keeping an ongoing conversation with the customers.

It’s time to Optimize the Marketing Funnel

With the correct conversion rate optimization strategy, one can quickly transform an average landing page marketing funnel into an exceptional one. With the help of unique CRO techniques, one can convince a user to explore more, eventually increasing the conversion rate.

Want to build your CRO Strategy today? Start today with Apexure. We’re a CRO agency with amalgamate years of knowledge and proper data collection strategies to curate effective CRO strategies that can help scale up your business. Contact us today!


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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused  Websites and Landing Pages

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