Many people think that a landing page is the same thing as a product page. But that is simply not the case. Using a landing page is a powerful marketing technique that is designed to easier to drive conversions and drive consumers straight into your sales funnel. Product pages, however, are effective tools for information sharing. There are similarities, but there are important differences between landing page vs product page to take note of.

Landing page vs Product Page Comparison

The landing page vs product page debate is actually a lot easier to navigate if you understand the fundamental function of each type of page and the differences between the two. Both are effective marketing tools that you need to incorporate into your marketing campaign, but knowing how and where to use them is what will make all the difference to your efforts.

If you’re looking for a bit more information on the topic, look no further. Let me break down the landing page vs product page debate to simplify things. Let me explain what exactly a landing page is used for, what exactly a product page is used for, and when to use them to maximize your marketing success.

What is a Product Page?

A product page is an information-rich page that has been designed to inform the user about a product and/or service. Anyone should be able to land on a product page and understand exactly what your product or service is all about. To make this happen, the content is usually quite generalized so that anyone and everyone can quickly grasp the important bits of the information that the page is offering.

You need your product page to educate the consumer. This is quite possibly their first introduction to your brand and the place where you will help them navigate the rest of the website. Feel free to put links on your product page to help direct consumers to where they need to go.

Remember, everything your customer needs to know about your product or service should be found here, or the product page must at least tell the consumer where to find additional information. Perhaps there are several niche spaces in your industry that require additional information. Your product page needs to be able to direct consumers to these different areas of interest.


What is a Landing Page?

Whereas your product page needs to be information-heavy, the opposite is true of a landing page. Landing pages need to be simple and only have one goal: To convince the consumer to take action.

Basically, you want your web page user to be redirected to a high-converting landing page and have that traffic converted into a qualified lead or even a paying customer. But how does a landing page do that?

A landing page has very little information on it. It removes all distractions from the consumer’s attention. The page is carefully curated to ensure that all of the consumer’s attention is focused on only one message. That message is the CTA, the Call-To-Action. The CTA is basically the action that you want the consumer to take, and you have to design your landing page around getting the consumer to take that action.

This is why landing pages are vital to your marketing campaign. After the user becomes familiar with your product or service, you want to make them an offer they can’t refuse. Your landing page is the element of your marketing campaign that presents that offer to the consumer in a direct distraction-free manner. Studies have shown that when a landing page has more than one offer, it actually gets 266% fewer conversions/leads than landing pages with single offers.

Rather than push several different offers with the same landing page, it is more effective to build several landing pages. Every advertising campaign should have its own landing page, if not several landing pages that cater to different buyer personas.


Examples of CTAs For Landing Page vs Product Page

Now you might be wondering, what type of action could a landing page possibly want you to take? Don’t overthink it; small gestures can have a huge impact on the world of marketing.

Perhaps the landing page in question is not marketing a special offer involving a purchase. Perhaps the landing page is focused on generating leads and is rather focused on collecting your contact information. A very effective way to gather information is to give something away for free.

An example of this type of strategy would be an exchange. Your company could give away something valuable, like an e-book, in exchange for an email address. You are after the lead and need the email address, so you use the ebook as a vehicle for exchange.

You would design a landing page with a CTA asking users to download the ebook, but before the download can be completed, you require the user to fill in their email address. You could do the same thing with free tickets to a webinar. The tickets are free of charge, but you require the user’s email address to send the tickets to.

Once you have this information, you can create a database. You can send targeted marketing information directly to these leads, such as special offers or new products/services.

However, if the aim of the landing page is to convert traffic into sales, then perhaps the landing page would focus it’s messaging on a special offer, such as a buy 1 get 1 free package deal. Your landing page would probably emphasize a limited time for this special offer and focus the messaging on the opportunity to save money.


The Difference Between Landing Page and Product Page

So you see, while both types of pages are necessary elements of a marketing campaign, they serve different purposes. A product page will give you the information you need about what the company has to offer, while the landing page will take an offer from the company and present it in an appealing way with very focused messaging.

Once you understand the difference between these two types of web pages, you can see that the question shouldn’t be ‘landing page vs product page’, but rather, how to structure both your product page and your landing page so that they work together and drive up your conversions.

Examples of Landing Page Vs Product Page

In this next section, I will demonstrate the differences between landing pages and product pages by drawing on examples from an existing marketing campaign. But before we discuss the elements of the landing page vs product page, let us quickly recap what we have discussed so far.


Landing Page Example

Crown & Paw Landing Page


Here, the landing page is focused on driving sales. When traffic is directed to this landing page, there is no information about the brand, like when it launched or their back story. The graphics illustrate the supercool superhero portraits and a catchy landing page headline to attract visitor attention.

When you click through on the ‘shop now’ button, you are redirected straight to a catalogue with shopping cart functionality. The aim of the landing page is to get the consumer to complete a purchase.


If you scroll through the landing page, you can find customer reviews. Consumers like to see user-generated content on sites that they are browsing, as this offers them social proof. The consumer will see a satisfying review from a customer and be encouraged to engage with the brand. This type of content will encourage the user to heed the CTA.


Product Page Example

Crown & Paw Product Page


Have a look at Crown & Paws page which is one of the best product page examples.

The page has a lot of sections on the page for the visitor to provide a lot more information about the brand, the services they offer, and the way they structure their offers. This information is all relevant, and the consumer will want to engage with the brand by familiarizing themselves with this information. .


The user will probably get sucked into browsing through the different products on offer. While this is positive in the long run, as it gives consumers an idea of what products are available, this technique will not drive conversions. In fact, the consumer might become overwhelmed with all the different products available and not know which one to pick.


The product page even has a quiz. The purpose of this quiz is to find out more about you as a consumer. This is a marketing effort to find out about your needs so that they can send you personalized marketing material in the future. While gathering personal information is a very important marketing technique that helps to increase conversions, it will not increase conversions at the moment.


Lastly, we can see that one can click through to their IG page. As I mentioned before, this is really important consumers love to see social proof that the products they are considering have been well received. However, if people are scrolling through your IG feed, do you know what they are not doing? Buying a product.

When Should You Use a Landing Page versus a Product Page

While it is clear to see that the product page plays a very important role in your online presence and marketing efforts, it is not the element of your marketing campaign that drives conversions.

If you want to increase conversions and make sure that you’re turning the majority of your traffic into paying customers, you will need well researched, personalized landing pages with focused messaging. They need to speak directly to the market segment that you’re targeting.

What Makes an Effective Landing Page Design?

Now that we have broken down the landing page vs product page debate let’s look at what it will take to design an effective landing page. What questions do you need to ask before you get started?

  • What type of product are you marketing? SaaS? eCommerce? An online course? Or perhaps you are looking to generate leads, and you’re marketing ‘free’ information, like an e-book or a newsletter.

  • What is the main problem you are trying to solve for the consumer?

  • Who are you marketing the product to?

This last question will then launch the next round of your investigation.

  • Who is the product for?

  • What are their goals?

  • How will your product help them to reach their goals?

By finding the answer to these questions, you will limit the risk of developing a landing page that is not effective.

The key is understanding the purpose of your landing page. Once you are confident in your goals and purposes, you will be able to build a series of landing pages that will catapult your conversions to the next level.

Get More Conversions Using Landing Pages Designed by Apexure

Landing page vs product page comparisons aside, our goal is to make sure you are satisfied. Are you ready to power your marketing with our industry-leading landing pages?

At Apexure, we use our experience to create conversion-focused landing pages. We watch market trends and statistics and couple those insights with our own CRO expertise to maximize your conversion rate.

  • We have been building personalized landing pages for over 5 years. With unlimited design revisions, we don’t stop until you are fully satisfied. We can include custom tools like pricing calculators and multi-step forms, and everything we build, including templates, photoshop files, and code, is your intellectual property.

  • Your personalized landing pages will look great on every device and include custom responsive code for any platform, including Unbounce, WordPress, Shopify, Jekyll, etc.

  • We optimize every landing page to load in less than 3 seconds. Our proven system takes into account user journeys, avatars, landing page speed and visitor objections. We use a multitude of personalization techniques to ensure your landing pages increase customer engagement.

  • What faster way to build personalized landing pages than with industry specialists? If your aim is to increase conversions, we will ****create the perfect personalized landing pages** for you.**

Get started with us and check out these landing page best practices while you’re at it.

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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

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Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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