PPC Landing pages are a great addition to your marketing arsenal. PPC campaigns link to dedicated pages aimed to generate a steady stream of leads.

PPC landing pages are a great example of uncluttered and focused promotion. They are standalone lead generation systems and are easy to manage.

The benefit of PPC landing pages is the undeviating approach to convert potential visitors into leads and sales.

As every click costs money, you aim to convert these paid visitors to take action. There are a lot of reasons why your landing page could fail to attract your target audience. When working with campaigns, we notice some common patterns.

Main reasons for poor conversion rates with PPC landing pages


Does the header copy match the pre-click ad?

Get this right, and you will have an engaged visitor. Although this sounds very basic, we see lots of campaigns making this simple mistake.

Do you have a clear page goal?

On your PPC landing pageS, have a clear next step. Whether its a button which users can click or a lead generation form. Make the element stand out from the rest of the page.

Does the header copy explain what the product/service is?

Use copy which is easier to read and gets the message across. If your visitors get confused, they won’t buy it. Keep your headlines and header copy direct.

Your visitors have a low attention span. Give them maximum information of the product on the page which they can understand.

Misleading information

Creating a landing page that does not reflect the information you advertised is a big error. E.g., if your ad is about high-quality printing services, don’t attempt to sell keychains on the same landing page.

Do you have real Social Proof?

When it comes to posting building trust, use accurate and real reviews on your PPC landing pages to make a strong impact.

But it works for my competitor.

As no two PPC landing pages are the same, there is no guarantee your page will have the same success as your competitor. You can learn and inspire from other campaigns, but do not copy the ad/landing page copy. Use your own story and value proposition to differentiate yourself from the competition.


Overuse of Stock images

As important as content and text may be, visitors retain up to 80% of the information seen in an image, whereas reading is as low as only 20%.

Images have the power to confer an idea in 13 milliseconds. Replace header image shots with your own. Use your or your team’s photos across your landing page. Your visitors will form a deeper connection and will trust you than any copy.

Concentrating on Keywords

Topic-specific words or keywords are what you use to define where your ads should appear. There are keywords which include branded, generic, informative, locational and transactional words. These word choices can be further extended into ‘core’ and ‘modifier’ keywords. For example ‘Dog Grooming’ would be the core word, and the modifier could be ‘Quality Dog Grooming’.

The choice of keywords affects the copy on your post-click landing pages. The higher your bid, the better your Ad placement and search result frequency will be. But, as bidding isn’t an exact science, ensure that you choose words related to the intent. e.g. if a user searches for the term webinar platforms, doesn’t mean they are ready to work with a webinar consultant. Likewise, you wouldn’t send visitors searching for ‘Webinar Consultant’ to a webinar comparison page.


Include a Video:

Videos are great to get your word out to your visitor quicker. Your landing page copy is important, but it relies on the fact that the visitor has to take the time to read it. Videos don’t have this problem. In a 2-min video, you can cover lots of benefits, pain points, objections.

I love the videos Russel Brunson’s puts up to sell his products. They are high energy, professionally shot and full of punchy content.

Here is an example from his recent product, traffic secrets:


Videos increase landing page conversions by 86%. So next time think of how you can incorporate a video on your landing page.

Are your PPC landing pages super mobile-friendly?


According to comScore’s 2017 report, an average American adult spends 2 hours, 51 minutes on their phone every day. This number has likely grown in 2020. Visitors start their search journey from their mobile phones. Having a page which loads fast and optimised for mobiles is fundamental. Here are some elements to boost your mobile landing page conversions:

  • Include a sticky header with a ‘Tap to Call’ call to action button

  • For a long-form landing page, use a burger style menu to link to the headings on the page.

  • Use mobile optimised forms with easy to fill-in fields.

  • Hide elements which could distract or annoy the visitor.

Use fewer form fields:


Nobody likes to fill out long ugly forms. Landing page lead generation forms should have 3-4 form fields. Anything more, means you decrease your conversion rate.

Remove all unnecessary form fields. Fields like company name, company size and title.

With some basic lookup, you can find or enrich lead info with more insights. In our agency, we use Zapier’s in-built Lead Scorer. We also link all new leads to Slack so we get all the lead information in one slack message.


Maximise your chances:

Every click costs. Maximise your chances of conversion with elements like:

Exit Overlays: As the visitor is about to go back to the results page, you can fire a final offer. Exit overlays are perfect for showing One-time-offers or something eye-catching.

Popups: Popups don’t have to be annoying. With some clever copy and a great offer, you got yourself a lead magnet. Talia does a great job with hers: https://getuplift.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/high-converting-lead-magnet-1024x613.webp


Live Chat: Have a real person chat with your visitors and answer their immediate objections. We have seen a significant conversion increase when clients use live chats.

Chatbots: The next best thing is to have a bot take those enquiries. A word of caution, don’t try to fool your visitor to think that they are chatting with a real human. 9/10 they will know its a bot. So why not be open and honest about it?

Embedded CTAs: You could add embedded CTA’s in your copy. These could act as secondary CTAs.

Sticky Bars: Show up when visitors start scrolling the page. Great for quick access to navigation elements or CTA buttons. For mobile ‘Tap to Call’ on a sticky bar works like magic.

Social Proof Popups: Display social proof by highlighting conversions on your page. These can range from the most recent signups or location-based ones. Here are some tools to get you started.

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Optimising PPC Landing Pages for Conversions with Apexure

With over 10 years of experience and working with 300+ happy clients, we understand conversion-focused design.

When it comes to creating successful PPC landing pages, we make it our mission to get you better conversion rates.

If you find that your PPC landing pages for conversions are not performing, speak to us today.


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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused  Websites and Landing Pages

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