Is your landing page truly set to convert?

You’ve got the heading, the form, and the compelling call to action. But is your landing page truly primed for conversion?

Chances are, there’s more to consider. While there’s a wealth of general advice on crafting effective landing pages, achieving exceptional results requires a deeper dive and knowing some landing page secrets. Beyond the commonly shared ‘best practices,’ which Apexure has also shared plenty, there are often niche-specific insights that can be easily missed in a standard Google blog post.


These elusive landing page secrets, which drive conversion rates well above the industry norm of 2.35 percent , might feel out of grasp. However, fear not. There is a way to access them. With some research, you can begin building your own arsenal of landing page strategies. This blog post is here to get you started.

Let’s get to it.

How to Discover Landing Page Secrets?

By reading case studies.

Case studies are a goldmine of insights. They open up about landing page secrets of how companies within your niche have navigated their way to higher conversions. By delving into these real-world examples, you’ll better understand effective strategies to enhance your landing pages. It’s not just about inspiration; they are a roadmap for refining your approach, ensuring it’s tailored for optimal results in your industry.


Analyzing case studies provides a unique vantage point, allowing you to dissect the strategies, tactics, and missteps that led to measurable success. You’ll uncover the nuances that set high-performing landing pages apart.

Furthermore, case studies serve as a reality check, grounding your aspirations in practical, tangible results. They offer a clear picture of what’s achievable within your industry and provide a benchmark for setting realistic conversion goals.

But the value doesn’t stop there. Immersing yourself in various case studies helps you recognize patterns and trends that transcend specific niches. This broader perspective can inspire innovative approaches and spark new ideas for optimizing your landing pages.

Remember, each case study is a narrative of challenges faced and conquered. It’s a repository of battle-tested wisdom you can leverage to refine your landing page strategy.

6 Landing Page Secrets We Want to Share With You

Below are some of the best case studies that Apexure has and what landing page secrets we learned from them. Every case study has an extended version that you can explore. Here, we have kept them short, directly cutting to the chase:

Landing Page Secret 1: It’s a Damn Process

Although some professionals believe that creating landing pages is straightforward due to their standalone nature, it’s more complex than it seems. These pages are focused on conversions, requiring careful consideration of every element. Therefore, they can’t be hastily put together in one go. A whole process goes behind in creating them.

Below is the step-by-step process that Apexure follows to build a landing page. Every step has its own dedicated SOP.


The above process has helped us produce high conversion rates. How high? Well, up to 51.7 percent for one.

Radicle Science is a company that makes conducting clinical trials easier. They wanted to reach out to people through social media and encourage them to sign up for clinical trials of natural products. Their campaign needed an appropriate landing page, and that is when they turned to us.

Collaboratively, we defined the audience, refined the offer, and set the campaign’s goal. We crafted a pixel-perfect design and meticulously built the page.

After a stringent quality check (a 30-point checklist), we launched. One of our landing pages converted 3,445 visitors out of 6,649. Now, that is impressive.

And all this, thanks to the landing page process that we have built through our experience.


Here is the complete case study for you to check out: Radicle Science Case Study

Landing Page Secret 2: Low Conversion Rate is Not The Problem

While trying to understand the challenges in one’s landing page strategy or any strategy, there are high chances one might fall under the trap of blue sky objectives. As defined by writer Rumelt in his book “Good Strategy Bad Strategy,” blue sky objectives are just restatements of the desired state of affairs or the challenge that lack any sense or direction. In this case, “low conversion rate.”

Now, here is what you need to understand. Having a low conversion is not the problem; it is the result. So, it becomes crucial to determine the possible reasons behind this unwanted result before fixing your conversion rates.

Still don’t get it. A case study might help you understand this better.


A UK-based company specializing in securing client tax rebates operates exclusively online without needing phone calls. Their conversion rate before optimizing their landing page was just one percent.

The one percent conversion rate is the result. The problem was that it’s landing page form required more than just personal info; it needed details about the case. It took time and discouraged some claimants, lowering leads and potential earnings for the client.

So, we optimized their landing page with a special focus on their form, converting it into a multi-step form.

The above resulted in a conversion rate boost of four to one percent and, later, with further optimization of six percent.


Landing Page Secret 3: It is All About UX

From 2.6 percent to a jaw-dropping 4.9 percent and an 88 percent increase in conversions.

The above results are achievable if UX is prioritized on landing pages.

User Experience (UX) on landing pages is crucial because it directly impacts a visitor’s first impression and their likelihood to take desired actions, such as purchasing or providing their contact information. What makes up your landing page UX? Everything from your copy, visuals, social proof, to your hero section and background. So, you need good UI/UX designers while building landing pages.

Coming back to the cool conversion rate of 4.9 percent we shared above.

Craver, a startup, helps local restaurants with smart ordering and customer engagement. They wanted to build a results-driven Hubspot landing page to boost their online presence and attract more leads from their target audience: Local Restaurants and Cafes. Though they already had a landing page, it was underwhelming. So Apexure’s UI/UX designers went in there and fixed everything for the better.

What did we do with the Craver landing page?


  1. Revamped Headline & Subheading: Crafted a concise, impactful, and benefit-focused headline to captivate attention immediately and clearly convey the offer’s value.

  2. Introduced Customer Reviews in Hero Section: Included authentic customer feedback upfront, reinforcing trust and credibility and boosting visitor confidence in conversion.

  3. Enhanced Social Proof Section: Augmented the list of reputable brands to bolster credibility and inspire others to follow suit, expanding upon the initial selection for a more compelling effect.

  4. Elevating Visuals: Employed high-quality images that vividly showcase the product in action, demonstrating its effectiveness and ensuring a cohesive visual narrative that aligns with the message.

  5. Streamlined Pricing Section: Emphasized the pricing details, ensuring each section is presented without any distractions, simplifying comprehension for visitors.

Read the entire case study here: Craver Case Study.

Landing Page Secret 4: Target Audience Matters

Your target audience is the key to deciding the tone of your landing page. What might convert a B2C audience might not even be able to attract a B2B one. A landing page’s copy and visuals can be molded into a better user experience when you know who your users are. It might also result in a conversion rate of 27.39 percent.

Board Agenda, a leading independent media brand in corporate governance, offers expert journalism and insights on critical issues. They sought our agency to design a high-converting landing page tailored for UK board directors and senior executives of PLCs and companies with over 250 employees, excluding service providers and consultancies.

Here, the target audience becomes UK board directors and senior executives of PLCs and companies.

What can you derive from the above information?

  • The tone of the page needs to be professional.

  • We can use jargon.

  • As it is for a UK-based audience, the copy must be in British English.

  • Concise information needs to be shared.

The above is just scratching the surface, but it’s a good point to start with.

Below is how the B2B landing page eventually came out:


The above has precise information about the event, like timing, date, and venue. The headline and subhead are specifically for the targeted B2B audience. We also have a simple multi-step form, making it easier to ask for more information without losing the visitor’s interest.

There is so much more that you can learn from this case study. Check out in full here: Board Agenda Case Study.

Pro tip: If you are ever confused about a buyer persona, you can always start with ChatGPT. This AI makes your landing page work a little easier.


Landing Page Secret 5: Be Mindful About Your Copy

Copy should be carefully thought out, strategically placed, and always aim to highlight the unique benefits of the product or service.

Here are three things to know about your landing page copy:

1. Underlining USPs (Unique Selling Propositions)

Clearly articulating a product or service’s unique benefits and value propositions is essential. If these key points are not strategically placed in the copy, visitors may not grasp the distinct advantages of what’s being offered. It can lead to missed opportunities for conversions.

2. Hero Section Impact

The hero section, often the first part of a landing page that a visitor sees, is paramount. This section sets the tone and immediately communicates the core value of the offer. If the copy here isn’t compelling or fails to highlight the USPs effectively, visitors might lose interest and navigate away, resulting in lost conversions.

3. Form Heading Significance

The heading of a form is crucial because it serves as a final call-to-action before a user submits their information. It should be clear, concise, and compelling, encouraging visitors to take that final step. A weak or unclear form heading can lead to abandonment, even after the visitor has shown interest.

One thing: all of the above three points must exist in coherence on your landing page. If even one is missing, you might not be able to get the conversion rates you wanted.

How can we say the above? Because we saw it happening first-hand.

OutReachFrog offers an exceptional service dedicated to boosting businesses’ Google rankings. However, their landing page had a conversion rate of 6.01 percent despite having the potential to do more.

Then, we looked at their landing page and discovered the problem. While the headline, “Does Your Site Deserve to Rank Higher?” was impactful, the copy above the form didn’t quite complement it.


We changed the form heading of their landing page to make it more complementary to the headline.


After changing the copy, OutReachFrog’s conversions skyrocketed from 6.01 percent to an astounding 14.39 percent!

And the results speak for themselves.

Landing Page Secret 6: Personalized Everything

Personalization on landing pages is crucial for boosting user engagement and conversion rates. It tailors the experience to individual visitors, making the content more relevant and compelling. This increased relevance fosters a stronger connection with the audience, ultimately leading to higher chances of conversion.

However, achieving full personalization for every visitor may not always be feasible, especially in large-scale campaigns. This is where a deep understanding of your target audience and their journey through the sales funnel becomes essential. It allows you to prioritize personalization efforts where they will have the most impact.

Let’s understand the above through a case study:

Affordable Health Coverage Today, a US health insurance provider, needed a high-converting landing page. The main challenge was making it easy for visitors to fill out their addresses, specifically zip, state, and city.

To make the user experience more personalized, it was decided that these form fields should be auto-filled based on the visitor’s location. We used a GeoTargetingWP and Ziptastic API to make the above happen.

The results: A conversion rate of 20 percent was secured.


Here is the full case study: Affordable Health Case Study

What Landing Page Secrets Do You Know?

By looking beyond conventional best practices and delving into case studies, we’ve unearthed powerful landing page strategies. We have tried to share secrets that have helped us repeatedly and exemplified them through compelling case studies, showcasing tangible results and highlighting the immense potential of thoughtful landing pages.

Remember, the journey to a high-converting landing page begins with a deeper understanding of invaluable insights.

The case studies presented here testify to Apexure’s expertise and successful track record. If you’re eager to craft high-converting landing pages and seek the right collaborators, now is the perfect time to schedule a call. Having witnessed our capabilities, you can now experience how we can elevate your projects firsthand. Secure your consultation today and witness our expertise in action!


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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

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