Can you remember the last time you accessed an important resource that did not require you to get on the internet? Today, most of us spend several hours a day online, whether for work or recreation.

What’s more, it is also probable that most of your digital downtime takes place on a mobile device. This could be in the form of a mobile phone, a tablet or a smartwatch.

Desktop computers are gradually being made redundant due to the worldwide consumer preference to digest digital media on the go via mobile device. Google knows it, which is why its algorithms have migrated to mobile-first indexing. And this is precisely why responsive landing pages are crucial.

What is a Responsive Landing Page?


A responsive landing page is a landing page that displays correctly on all devices, including desktop, mobile, tablet, and laptop, all of which have different screen sizes and capabilities.

It is important to highlight that every page of your website should be responsive – not just your landing pages.

Your website should have a reasonable loading speed and be easily and clearly viewable across all browsers, especially mobile devices. If your web pages are not optimized for mobile, your pages won’t be ranked on search engine results pages (SERPs) and your audience simply won’t be able to find you.

Why is a Responsive Landing Page Important?

The best landing page is useless in a world that is not using identical devices to access information on the internet. Failure to address the responsiveness of your entire website will lead to significant losses, which include immediate traffic and money spent on setting up the campaign. Let’s not forget that an unresponsive website often won’t reach your unintended audience, leading to a lack of visitors and a higher bounce rate.

Yes, it does require resources to get a responsive website or landing page, but the investment is worthwhile. It will save you both money and time in both the short and long term.

The importance of landing page optimisation across devices cannot be overstated.

According to insights hub Perficient, in 2020, 61% of US website visits were from mobile devices, with 35% coming from desktops and 3% of visitors using tablets.

68% of all website visits in 2020 came from mobile devices. Desktops carried 28% of the traffic, with 3% from tablets.


Features of a Responsive Landing Page

A responsive landing page ensures your visitors enjoy the same landing page user experience (UX) they would expect when accessing their daily email, making a calendar entry, or filling in a simple online form.

The responsive design of your ad landing page is what allows users to complete any instruction you give them through the call-to-action (CTA).

Important aspects of a responsive landing include:

  • The landing page should have a flexible grid foundation.

  • Images that form part of the design must also be flexible.

  • Different views must be enabled under different situations, such as browser, device, and rotation.


Differences in UX for Mobile and Desktop

It is very important to continuously consider who you are designing a webpage for and how you expect the user to access the platform. There are a few important mobile and desktop UX differences to be mindful of when designing a responsive short or long landing page.

Screen size is limited

It is easy to clutter a landing page by filling it with content, visuals, and tasks that might be good for a desktop user but inconvenient for a mobile user. This is not a responsive design.


Ease of typing changes

While typing on a desktop is generally fast and easy for those with touch-typing abilities, mobile devices can make typing a tiresome exercise. This is why the excessive requirement to type on a webpage discourages visitors from filling in contact forms and completing other tasks.

Checkboxes and drop-down lists create a more responsive landing page and increase the chance of converting.

Buttons are smaller

Here is something interesting: Fitts’ Law states that the smaller the target, the longer it will take for the user to move to the pointer. This is because they have to be extra careful and attentive to hit the target accurately.

So apply finger-friendly design by making buttons, selection boxes, and icons optimal for mobile users. Using the actual size of a human finger will help avoid touch-target problems.

Image loading is slower

Keep your website and landing pages fast by reducing image dimensions and resolution. Optimising images for the web saves processing power and also limits the user’s internet access costs.

Characteristics of a Responsive Landing Page

1. Call-to-Action (CTA)

The aim of every landing page is to get the visitor to take action. The action can be taken in many ways, such as filling out a simple form, making a variety of selections, leaving their personal details, or downloading a file.

The CTA has to be easy to identify, and it has to be one of the first things a visitor sees when they click onto your landing page. They must know what will be required of them from the very beginning.

Check out our landing page design appropriately direct with their CTA. The business has an HTML/CSS landing page with a clear CTA that is easy to engage and follow through. It sits at the top of the page and is supported by a headline, striking buttons, and well-executed imagery. Together, all this is essential to increase conversions.


2. Offer

What you are offering your audience needs to be identified the moment they land on your page. It needs to be clearly shown through copy, imagery, and your CTA. The offer forms part of the story and needs to be tightly connected to everything on the page.

Our landing page provides a clear and direct offer to a visitor: the ability to get 10.0000 return potential. The business goes as far as giving the visitor an offer they can’t avoid, creating excitement while simultaneously managing expectations.


3. Singular focus

Always offer one product based on one idea, theme, and with one CTA. Keeping all ideas singular with a landing page maintains a visitor’s focus and encourages consistency through writing and design.

The singular idea ensures that landing pages are simple enough to navigate, easy enough to interact with, and direct enough to be understood. Nothing is gained from overwhelming an audience with visuals or copy.

4. Separation of content sections

You want your visitors to stay on your landing page for as long as they need to until they act on your CTA and become a lead. You do not want them to get overwhelmed by the design of your website or landing page.

This is why each section of the landing page should be well-spaced, clear, and easy to find. White space, backgrounds, and images also help create visual separation.

Single-page websites often use this effect, ensuring each section is clearly defined from the one before and the next.

Using navigational bullets lets users scroll one section of content at a time. Our landing page example makes good use of this technique, combining backgrounds , white space, and imagery to make each section stand out.


5. Clear and short copy

You want both mobile and desktop users to read through your content easily. This might mean using shorter sentences, so those using mobile devices do not get lost in paragraphs of writing. Use simple and readable fonts with decent letter-spacing and line-height.

It is important that they can follow through, take direction and act on instruction without confusion or distractions.

Our client’s, UK Debt Help Team’s landing page template applies all the landing page best practices. The tool’s many savvy features include well-executed typography along with a consistent and short landing page copy.


6. High-quality visuals

Images and audiovisual content combined with targeted copy are crucial aspects of user-friendly content. Together, they work to provide information, engage, direct, request action, and, most importantly, capture the visitor’s attention until the conversion is complete.

Visual stimulation on a responsive landing page may come in the form of a chart, diagram, short video, captioned photo, infographic, and even a GIF. A combination of one or two different kinds of visual tools and a responsive landing page maintain the audience’s attention much better than text alone.

The Gutter Guards America’s landing page designed by Apexure does an excellent job of bringing together various visual elements to inform and engage visitors and ultimately get them to convert.


8. Appealing colour schemes


9. Social proof

Credibility is one of the biggest drivers of conversions. Certifications, reviews, awards, testimonials, and verifiable performance data, or any other tool that is a representation of your exceptional product or services, are ideal. This solidifies your reputation and earns your audience’s trust.

Use trust signals in the form of badges, seals, certification or even a link to the business’s privacy policy.

We used both written and video testimonials for our client, Gaggle Mail to add social proof to landing pages.


Is the Above the Fold (ATF) Section Important?

Ironically, the phrase “Above the fold” has its origins in the print industry. It refers to the space above the crease in the newspaper. In the landing page context, this applies to all the content you view before you scroll down.

The ATF section is your only opportunity to grip visitors with precise content to persuade them to view the rest of your landing page.

Every product is different, and every owner wants to achieve different objectives, so no universal law can be applied in every case. This is why it’s best to apply A/B testing and find out what attracts your audience.

Take the time to plan your ATF section and consider the following:

  • Powerful headline

  • Supporting sub-header

  • Benefits

  • Call-to-action

  • Social proof

Long vs Short Landing Pages


This is a very important point to consider! And you are the best person to provide the answer. You must submit to a careful process of trial and error to discover what your audience best responds to.

There are two different kinds of consumers, each requiring different types of explanations.

  • Explanation friends: In-depth explanations provide clarity, enabling them to develop a desire for products. They genuinely want to know how things that concern their work.

  • Explanation foes: These users prefer adequate but minimal details and avoid lengthy explanations and paragraphs. Brief explanations give them a strong desire for products or services. However, this must not be confused with failure to provide enough information.

Creating a responsive landing page is all about being aware of your audience’s behaviour patterns (online and offline) and the basic differences regarding how websites and landing pages are viewed across multiple devices and browsers. Get started now!

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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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Drive More Sales or Leads With Conversion Focused Websites and Landing Pages

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