Think of your B2B website homepage as an open house. You need people to find it, look at it, and want to buy it. But if you were house hunting, would you explore a house that put you off the minute you opened the door? Would you stay if you couldn’t find your way around? Probably not. A B2B website homepage design is no different.

A B2B website is more than pretty pictures and complicated code - it’s where your business ‘lives’. When visitors visit the home of your business, you want them to want to be there. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to B2B website homepage design.

We’re going to walk you through the dos and don’ts of creating a homepage. You’ll be able to ‘dress’ your house so that visitors will buy it time and time again.


What is a B2B Website Homepage Design, and Why Do We Need it?

A homepage functions as an introductory page for your website. It’s the first thing visitors see, and it takes them only a few seconds to decide whether they want to stick around. This puts huge pressure on your homepage design to make the right impression.

A B2B homepage aims to create visitor engagement. To lead through content channels and then convert them from visitors to customers. Attracting, engaging, and converting are the hallmarks of a creative B2B website homepage design. But how exactly does a quality B2B homepage benefit your business?


Benefits of a Well Structured B2B Website Homepage Design

Effective and creative website homepage design combines aesthetic appeal with strategy, structure, and SEO. It combines creativity and business smarts to make your homepage a vital piece of your website.

Here are some of the key benefits of a successful B2B homepage design:


1) Targets Your Target Audience

A strong B2B website homepage design helps familiarise your target audience with your brand. By making a solid first impression, you give viewers an idea of what your company values are.

Visitors will be more likely to convert if they get an immediate sense of your brand’s identity.

2) Ups Conversion and Lead Generation Rates

Smart website homepage design helps you incentivise conversion. With one simple click, the sales cycle begins. Visitors get access to the website value proposition, and you get access to their information, and engagement begins.

The website homepage has a direct relationship with your business’s lead generation campaigns. By making it easy for visitors to find the information they need, homepages usher them directly into the sales funnel.

3) Enhances Brand Awareness

Incorporating your branding into the homepage design centres your brand’s identity. This creates a link in your visitors’ minds between what they want and what your brand offers.

A quality homepage will make your brand stand out, instil brand recognition, and spread brand awareness.

What Makes a Good B2B Website Homepage Design?


We discussed earlier that your homepage is like the entrance to your home. You need it to feel welcoming to guests; otherwise, they won’t want to stay. The way visitors feel when they land on your homepage sets the tone for how they’ll feel exploring your site.

Homepages are the base from which visitors complete all the tasks you need them to. To achieve a positive user experience, your B2B homepage design must go beyond fancy window dressing.

Before we show you how to create a good website homepage design and take it to the next level, let’s cover some homepage basics.

  • Tell Visitors Who You Are, What You Do and Why They Want You: The most effective way to pass the blink test is to answer the big questions immediately - who, what, why. Answering these questions reassures visitors that they are in the right place. Don’t let them second guess themselves; any doubt around who you are or what you do can increase your bounce rates.

  • Resonate with Your Target Audience: Sometimes conversations can get convoluted and confusing - especially on the internet. Your website homepage must speak directly to your audience and drown out the voices of your competitors. Use language your audience will understand and avoid corporate jargon. It might sound fancy, but it’s difficult to understand and can be boring.

  • Create a Positive User Experience: An intuitive website homepage design focuses on making the experience of visitors pain-free. Well-crafted homepages streamline your site navigation, creating a website flow that makes sense.

Visitors arrive with an intention like buying, and your homepage directs them to the necessary page - simple.

With less friction between user and site, visitors can make quicker decisions and are less likely to abandon their carts. The more enjoyable the user experience, the longer visitors will stay to explore the website.

  • Plan Your User’s Experience: User experience is an essential element of a good website homepage design. Zooming in on the details is key! You need to pay close attention to the way your users will use your homepage. Don’t forget to consider things like content prioritisation, site speed, and micro-interactions.


  • Optimise Your Homepage for Many Devices: Regardless of how strong your homepage design is, it won’t matter if users can’t see it on their devices.

So you need to make sure your homepage works on different devices. If you don’t cater to different devices, those users might never know how great your homepage is! For example, homepages that use pop-ups might be difficult to navigate on mobiles.

Use an Effective CTA Strategy


Your B2B website homepage design won’t work unless users click and explore the website. This is where CTAs come in. CTAs are like the soft dressings for your open house. You’ve got people in the door; now you need to strategically place items in the house to encourage exploration.

CTAs show visitors what they should do next, prompting them to click and convert. It keeps visitors focused and stops them from getting ‘lost’ or feeling overwhelmed while navigating your website. As a result, sales and lead conversations will increase.

Position a tailored CTA for each stage of the buyer’s journey and place it where your users are most likely to find it.

Try using a mixture of primary and secondary CTAs like ‘Free Trial’ and ‘Learn More’. Remember - your most important CTA needs to be given prime posting on your homepage.

Learn more: The Best Website Conversion Optimisation Tactics for Getting More Leads and Enquiries

Present a Compelling Value Proposition


Crafting a clear and compelling value proposition is at the core of a successful website homepage design. It should outline what your business does and what it can specifically do for visitors. Emphasising how your product solves customer problems, removes lingering doubts visitors might have.

When completing the design part of a B2B website homepage, try doing the following:

  • Be specific: mention your services and the customers you serve.

  • Get testing: use A/B testing to find which value proposition works best.

  • Stay up to date: re-evaluate and update your value proposition regularly.

  • Use careful copy: use creative copy that uses engaging and clear language.

Allow for Change

Like most things in life, website homepage design doesn’t stand still - it’s constantly changing and evolving.

For your homepage to work, it needs to be adapted to fit users’ changing needs, problems, and questions. Employing A/B testing or dynamic content is a great way to gauge whether your homepage needs a revamp.

Prioritise Cohesive Design

Yes, building the perfect homepage is important, but if it doesn’t fit with the rest of your website, it won’t be effective. What’s the point in dressing up one room if the rest of your house is falling apart.

For your website homepage design to succeed, you must align it with your entire website. From layout and CTAs to whitespace, colour, and copy - everything must work together!

10 Elements of a Successful B2B Website Homepage Design


Now that we’ve got the basics of a B2B website homepage design sorted, it’s time to talk embellishments. What are the specific design elements you can add to your homepage to make it a stand-out show house?

Here are our top ten tips to a successful B2B website homepage design:

1) Centre Your Brand

Leaving a strong brand impression builds awareness and increases your reach. When planning your homepage design, it’s important to weave branding into the fabric of your homepage.

Try to position your logo clearly, so it draws user attention. For example, you could also try entering your logo in your navigation bar or at the top of your homepage.

2) Provide Clear Navigation

You need to be thoughtful of navigation when undergoing website homepage design. Like signage or guides at an open house, visitors to your homepage will need navigation menus.

Make sure they are easy to read and use - confusing directions lead to lost guests.

3) Tempt Visitors with CTAs

We outlined earlier that CTAs are a cornerstone of website homepage design. You need to use CTAs which are uniquely crafted to suit and work for your business.

Make sure your CTAs stand out from the rest of your homepage. Try using contrasting colours or using a play on words that compliments the theme.


4) Add Some Color

The best website homepage design requires careful colour planning - it’s not a slapdash job. Colour affects mood, and mood affects choice. Imagine walking into a house with walls that clash or patterns that make you dizzy. Would you feel relaxed and keen to explore?

Picking the best colour scheme for your B2B homepage design requires matching a palette with your website photos and copy. It’s useful to link these colours with your branding (logos etc.) and to use specific colours to make CTAs and menus pop.

5) Pick the Right Images

The pictures you choose to portray your brand can influence the way visitors think and feel about your business. Every image needs to represent your brand in the best light possible. Make sure you optimise your images to keep site speed and avoid using a filler or stock images.

6) Create a Hero Statement

Including a hero statement in your website homepage design is a great way to tell visitors what to expect.

It’s usually located below the navigation bar and can include your mission statement or tagline. Whatever you choose to incorporate - make sure it paints a clear picture of what you do and why.

7) Focus on Fonts

Typography affects the efficacy of website homepage design as it affects readability. You can have the most amazing copy and have it rendered completely mute because you’ve chosen the wrong font.

Stylised fonts are great for visual effects on headings, logos, and other branding elements. While classic fonts are better suited for reading purposes. Remember to keep your font use consistent as mixing fonts can be off-putting.


8) Share About Your Team

Including info about your product or team adds a wholesome layer to your website homepage design.

Visitors will be able to connect better with your brand and get a deeper feel for who you are. It also goes a long way to foster brand awareness and loyalty!

9) Include Contact Information

Make sure you’ve included your contact information in your B2B homepage design. You can find the perfect buyers for a house, but if they can’t contact the owner, they’ll lose interest in the purchase.

We suggest the basics: business phone number, address, and email. And for those of you who don’t have this information to share, you can place a contact form at the bottom of your homepage. Either way, just make sure it’s easy to find!

10) Feature Social Proof

Would you move into a house without finding out if the previous owners liked the property? Showcasing evidence that you are whom you say you are, builds trust and helps visitors justify their urge to click.

Sharing testimonials, reviews, and case studies can show your trustworthiness as a brand. Just make sure you pick your best pieces; you don’t want to swamp your homepage and seem braggy. Let your website homepage design sell itself, don’t overdo it.

Create The Best B2B Website Homepage Design With Apexure

At Apexure, we create WordPress websites from scratch that are designed to convert. We can help you craft a bespoke user experience for your website that will resonate with your customers.

Let us be a part of your B2B website homepage design journey and receive a homepage optimised for speed and mobile use. Contact us today - we’d love to help catapult your brand to the forefront of your industry through specialised website design.


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About The Author

Waseem Bashir
Waseem Bashir,CEO

Founder & CEO of Apexure, Waseem worked in London’s Financial Industry. He has worked on trading floors in BNP Paribas and Trafigura, developing complex business systems. Waseem loves working with Startups and combines data and design to create improved User Experiences.

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