B2B Technology Consulting

Global Technology Company DOOR3 Boost Sales Pipeline

By outsourcing conversion marketing activities

Technology and Design Consultancy
Company Size
80+ Driven and Talented Professionals

Based in New York City, DOOR3 is an independent firm offering technology consultancy, software development and UX design.

The consultancy’s impressive client roster includes startups through to S&P 500 enterprises. DOOR3 helps modernise and align their technology to the future, delivering reliable solutions to their clients - both on time and on budget.


DOOR3 historically managed their paid search campaigns internally, partnering with several agencies unsuccessfully before resourcing Apexure to transform their marketing efforts.

Apexure’s experience and success delivering results for clients across a wide-range of industries gave DOOR3 confidence in their technical and industry-specific know-how.

As with all new clients, Apexure began the project by undertaking a detailed audit of DOOR3’s paid search account and marketing activities, quickly discovering their lack of a clear strategy for lead generation campaigns.

  • All paid traffic was directed to their main website
  • Minimal tracking for performance measurement
  • Any new contacts were directly sent to sales life-cycle on the CRM

Following the initial review, Apexure got to work setting targets that aligned with the senior leadership team’s goals.

The team created a bespoke landing page for a new, targeted campaign, establishing a range of tracking and analytical tools to monitor its success.

Working in collaboration with DOOR3’s marketing team, the Apexure team also developed a new sales funnel, linking the various marketing platforms into a streamlined sales process.


Within weeks, Apexure’s conversion-focused strategy created a reliable lead generation system that boosted DOOR3’s sales pipeline, delivering:

  • /images/case-study/cost-down.svg Decreased cost per lead from $2300 to $550
  • /images/case-study/cost-up.svg Increased Organic ranking keywords from 580 to 1483
  • /images/case-study/cost-up.svg Generated 580 Subscribers from Lead Magnet campaign

As the success of this first campaign continued, Apexure began multiple follow-up campaigns and landing pages, each with its own unique target audience and goals.

The introduction of an integration in DOOR3’s CRM system was also hugely valuable to their sales team, providing clear insight into how their prospective leads were interacting with the automated follow up emails.


Following the initial review, Apexure got to work setting targets that aligned with the senior leadership team’s goals.

The team created a bespoke landing page for a new, targeted campaign, establishing a range of tracking and analytical tools to monitor its success.

Working in collaboration with DOOR3’s marketing team, the Apexure team also developed a new sales funnel, linking the various marketing platforms into a streamlined sales process.

CEO Jonathan Blessing

Apexure provided excellent communication on Slack and Trello to ensure a smooth workflow during this project. We are extremely satisfied with the quality of their work and service. One of the best things about this relationship was the enthusiasm and flexibility.

DOOR3 were so pleased with the results that we have continued to work very closely with them, creating new paid search campaigns, planning and executing an organic lead generation SEO campaign and ongoing content strategy.

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