Increase In Conversion Ratio
Increase In Lead
Decrease In Cost per Acqisition (CPA)
Create a unique landing page that Get people to repair their phones with their Shop rather than other shops as other repair shops sometimes even drop off repairs to them to fix.
Wireframes set the stage for what will eventually become a pixel-perfect user experience how content is prioritizedThe skeleton of the page with two-dimensional depiction of a page’s interface that shows the spacing ofelements on the page, what functionalities are available, and how users will interact with the site. They also play a vital role in connecting information architecture to the visual aspects of the design by showing pathways between the various pages. Wireframes are intentionally void of color, graphics and stylized fonts.
After creating the wireframe the mockup is sent to client where client gives a feedback on text then work is being done on design. In Case Mogul design the colors and look of design is putin as the service needed and their brand. As it isa service based company the UI is simple keeping the clients in consideration.
After the design is done the page is sent to client for approval so that the design can be converted in unbounce
In unbounce page conversation is tracked for case mogul the first varient had 45% conversion rate which was less as it is a service page so next varient was created in which timer was added rest design was same.
Testing is done on both varients. A/B testing Track page insights instantly and improve them with A/B testing to help you find the best-performing web design. Use the SEO tools to reach the right audience in the crowded digital world.
Case Mogul generated 294 leads in just two monthes, and converted 50% of them into new trial signups.